Saturday, March 1, 2008

just a few things

1) Spring is peeking in around here. I've seen three bumble bees and too many daffodils to count. The flowering trees are beautiful and remind me of home.
2) I'm going to London tomorrow for a dinner party at my best friend's new house wearing a new skirt I bought at a charity shop for 3 pounds 50.
3) We had a lovely (read challenging and thought provoking) Training Block Thursday and Friday on Justice and Mercy. I became much more emotional than expected when sharing a creative project I did about the woman who anointed Jesus' feet, key word: Identification.
4) I have lots and lots to think about right now. Training Block tied in with the book I just finished (Express Community by Phil Bowyer) tied in with creating a job description for want I want to do with the rest of my life... just a teensy bit overwhelming!
5) Check out this cool video for a 24-7 Prayer Week being held I have no idea where:

6) My room is very cheery at the moment as I spent most of the day cleaning, washing and redecorating the walls, washing the sheets and making the bed, having the window open, and burning a lavender and lemongrass candle. I did all this while listening to several hours worth of teaching on Jesus' part in God's Story.

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