Wednesday, April 30, 2008

see what i've done here?

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of this blog, much to the chagrin of my myspace blog which has seen very little posting since I started this baby up. Interestingly, my very first post was a response to a booklet I had just read called "What Christian's Should Know About Reconciliation." Ironic because it fits right in with the mission training course I was on last week. Which is what this picture is from.

I actually got on here to post the last of my April poems. If you haven't noticed (because I didn't say anything about it) I've posted a poem every week for the month of April. I always do poetic things in April because at home in America, April is National Poetry Month. And that makes me really happy. I'm not sure what poem I will choose today yet, every other week I've known, but today's poem will be chosen at random from "More Comic & Curious Verse" which is a part of The Penguin Poets and has a fabuloso, modern, 1950s cover. And the winner is.... (well I should say the winners are [from Translations from the Ish])


Late in life,
Wishing to provide himself with a lurid past,
He had his chest tattooed with


‘She was’, said the young man, sniffing,
‘The most beautiful girl
I ever saw.
For two minutes
I stood beside her
In a Tube lift.
I shall never see her again.
She gave me this cold.’

He sneezed with gloomy satisfaction,
And I noticed
That he had chosen to sit in a draught.


I wish the people
Who think this comedian funny
(And numbers of them
Look the sort who might)
Would muster the energy to laugh,
And so allow me
To feel superior in comfort.


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