Monday, May 26, 2008

the surrey county show

Today Frances and I went to the Surrey County Show, the English equivalent of an American County Fair. Despite a cold, windy, and rainy day we had a great time! It was much more of a farm show than the County Fairs I went to when I was little (of course what I mostly remember is all the rides and cotton candy). There were lots of stalls selling outdoor farm clothing; wellies, bush hats, moleskin trousers, etc. We saw:
Sheep Shearing
A weirdly shaped Duck
Lots of Chickens
and Horses. We also saw pigs, sheep, caged birds (including some beautiful Finches), a petting zoo full of animals. A man with a parrot on his shoulder. Flower arrangements, Bee keepers, tractors, a bird dog demonstration, falcons, a European Eagle Owl, and plenty of other things I can't remember right now. We were soaking wet, cold, and more than ready for a cup of tea when we got home, but it was a really fun day!
And I got to wear my baseball hat!

1 comment:

Lauren Newman said...

Yay! Looked like fun :)