Monday, November 23, 2009


We shared communion on Sunday evening. Before we came to the Lord's table we took some time to reflect on what this sacrament meant to us. I landed on the word centering.

There is a spiritual act called centering which I don't know anything about. But as a potter I do know a lot about the act of centering clay.

When you first lob a ball of clay on the wheel it spins around like a dizzy three-year-old, all wobbly and out of whack. As the potter, your first job is to center the clay so that your pot will be sturdy and stable. To do this you begin by getting as close to the clay as you can. You want to place your center of gravity right over the clay. Then you surround the clay with your hands and ease it into alignment with constant and gentle pressure.

I was feeling a lot like a dizzy three-year-old throughout this past week. And on Sunday all the places where I had been knocked off center where painfully obvious to me. As we reflected on the Lord's table, remembering the sacrifice he made to come close to us, I could feel his hands surround me and, by exerting constant and gentle pressure, realign me with his center of gravity.

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