Monday, September 29, 2008

bible belt

When you drive anywhere in Charlotte, you're going to pass several churches. Yesterday I passed six churches that either had policemen directing traffic so the church members could get in and out of their parking lots or had parking lots so full that the church members' cars were lining the streets.
It makes me think... Should we really be trying to start new churches? Maybe we should be a part of churches that are already in place, praying and serving the body of Christ. Working together to see the Lord's kingdom come.
I heard a story from a little town in Northern Ireland. A group of people from several different churches had come together and worked in the community and, as a result, lots and lots of people had become Christians. But these new Christians didn't really fit into the churches in their town. So, with the help of the people who had worked so hard to serve them, they started a new church. I can get behind a new church like that. But I think most of the time we're just being redundant.

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